Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Nicki Minaj and Questionable Fashion

Nicki Minaj
So, most of us know who Nicki Minaj is and there has been a debate on outfits and her music. Personally, I think that Nicki Minaj is a beautiful singer, but you can hardly her over her outfits. I'm all for going all out in my outfits, but there is a point where too much isn't a good thing. She abuses her fashion priorites. Lady Gaga is the same way, but yet, even Lady Gaga can keep her outfits from looking like patterns and a rainbow threw up all over her.
I Can't Hear You Over That Outfit
Dear Lord... This outfit is just a disaster. There is too much going on here. Nicki needs to find a way to highlight one part of her. Of course, the guys only care about her breasts, but do they really care about anything else. I actually do like that pretzel necklace, but it's more of an item for an outfit that has solid black colors. I love the tutu, but the zebra band takes from it and so does the necklace. Of course, lets not forget the hair. Is it seriously necessary to have a gift bow in your hair? You're not a fucking christmas present. Nor are you a five year old child.

Good But Bad
I'm going to be completely honest- I'm in love with this outfit. I want that corset and that necklace, just not in the same outfit. I also think that Nicki's wig is WAY TOO MUCH with this outfit and should just be burned. A brown hair color or just blonde would look fabulous. Also, Nicki is a big breasted girl and this isn't an outfit meant for her, unless she's sleeping with someone. It's more of an outfit for a girl like myself, with smaller breasts. The necklace is also cute, but with something for fun and flirty. I do love the wig, but just not with that outfit.
Oh...Jesus fucked that noise. Okay, I don't even think I can begin to insult this outfit. First of all, there is WAY too much going on. That tutu is so cute, but it's not working with any of it. I love that rose jacket, but it's not meant for this outfit. Nor is the orange wig. I'm sure that they use this outfit as a signal for anyone out on Mars.
I Wondered Where My Sisters Toys Disappeared Too
Yet another outfit that is just to much. I don't even understand how she can stand to look at herself. I'm sure someone had to put on her teddy bear shoes for her because she can't even see her own feet. I feel like she threw on an umbrella and some floaties, then rolled in glue and had a fight with children. It's just all around awful...
After All That Bashing
So, I'm actually in love with this outfit. I love it a lot. She finally got something right. The solid colors are just great with the jewelry and the lace leggings are not too much at all. The way it looks with just blonde hair is great and purple is a fabulous color with her skin tone. She looks stunning and it really does show off her pretty face. Nicki should know she's beautiful and highlight it, without hiding it under all her awful outfit combinations.

So, for now I am done bashing celebirties and I'm going to start discussing more about you and great fashion trends. The next blog should be about either whats a better look for your body shape or how to dress crazy, without over doing it. So, as usual, either follow me on twitter- @reidschuetz or email me at rschuetz212@gmail.com


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