Friday, May 18, 2012

Midnight Seduction

Midnight Seduction As You Please

Hey there, reader. I just wanted to say I'm quite sorry for being lazy and not posting anything lately. I've been struggling with end of the year exams and had to put it off for a bit. Now I'm back in action and I'm ready to discuss my favorite subject.
Tonight, I'm talking about seduction, because lets be honest- it's summer and summer is for love. I'm into the sultry, dark, and seductive look on guys and I like to pull it off too. I've got deep set eyes that are sultry 24/7 but I can never pull off until the summer time.
Now, here's the thing, my dears. There's a difference between being seductive and slutty. Slutty seems to be a lot of girls favorite ways to dress, but really no guy wants to see that. They'll call you a slut and easy, but if you can pull of a seductive look without being slutty, then the boys will be wagging their tails at you.

The one thing I love about this picture is that she doesn't have too much make-up on. Guys, lets be honest- we don't always wear make-up to please you, but we wear it for fun, girls just don't realize that they don't need TOO much of it. Too much of a good thing can lead to future problems. Plus, if you look sexy and seductive, it makes you look mysterious. It's a great trick. I also love the tousled look of her hair, it's super neat!

I'm not really a big fan of the bun hairstyle, but this is quite awesome and I love it. I love that it's so classy but edgy with a hint of sexy. I've seen guys go crazy for things like this- the pale skin, littlemake-up, and 20s look. Trust what I say when I say that more clothing is better.

You can be sexy not matter what, just avoid tight skirts and always wear underwear. Please....


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